Have you submitted your talk for Plone Symposium East 2012?
Speaker proposals for the Plone Symposium East 2012 in Penn State are due Monday, March 12, 2012 - In three days!
Just three days left to submit your proposals for the Plone Symposium East 2012 (PSE12).
When you do, you get a great discount on your registration for PSE12.
Plone Symposium East 2012 (PSE12) is looking for speakers to share their experiences, development efforts, case studies and projects.
Share your knowledge with the Plone and Zope communities at the Plone Symposium East 2012. Tell others about what you are doing. Teach others about your latest development. Show off your latest tools. Weblion has begun accepting proposal for Speaker sessions. This is the time to submit your proposal to speak at PSE12 events on May19-21, 2012.
There are limited speaker slots, so get your proposal in TODAY! Proposals will be accepted until March 12, 2012, so don't delay! Speaker slots fill up quickly and speakers get a reduced registration fee.
You can find the link here for proposals: http://weblion.psu.edu/symposium/