Jean Ferri, Nathan Van Gheem and Nejc Zupan Chosen Plone Foundation Members
The Plone Foundation Board of Directors has announced the selection of Jean Ferri, Nathan Van Gheem and Nejc Zupan as the newest members of the Plone Foundation.
Jean Ferri of Brasília, Brazil-based Interlegis - Senado Federal has been working with Zope since 1999, CMF since 2001 and Plone since 2002. He developed the first Plone community portal published in Brazil ( in 2002, with the version 0.97 of Plone. He is architect and maintainer of “Portal Modelo”, a Plone portal customized by Interlegis to the legislative houses in Brazil. He has created serveral products, including WindowZ, CMFPublicator, Products.Pyconbrasil, and Ombudsman. He has also been heavily involved in translating several packages to Brazilian Portuguese, as well as organizing many Plone-related events.
Nathan Van Gheem of Wildcard Corp maintains a variety of plone add-on products; including collective.plonetruegallery, Products.ImageEditor,, and uwosh.pfg.d2c. He is a member of the Plone Security and UI teams and a perennial sprinter at conferences, symposia and the Bristol CMSUI sprint. A standout on IRC, Nathan answers user list questions, StackOverflow questions, while contributing to core and making conference presentations as well. Nathan is based in Oshkosh, Wisconsin (USA).
Nejc Zupan of Domzale, Slovenia started working with Plone in 2006 since then has lectured at Plone workshops for students (Plone My Web 2006, 2007 and 2009), co-organized several Plone sprints (Sauna Sprint 2010 & 2011, Neoplanta Sprint, Zidanca Sprint, Belgian Beer Sprint) and participated at three conferences (Budapest, Bristol, San Francisco). He has been a Core contributor for over 2 years now and have lately kept himself busy working on the plone.api package. During the day he runs NiteoWeb Ltd., a Plone consultancy firm, and is working hard to finish his CS studies on University of Ljubljana.
The Plone Foundation is the organization formed in 2004 to serve as a supporting organization for Plone and its community. Members of the Foundation are chosen by the Foundation's Membership Committee on the basis of merit - specifically that they have made significant, enduring contributions which benefit the general Plone community. (The membership guidelines are available here.)
The Foundation is happy to welcome Jean, Nathan and Nejc as our newest members.