Plone Innovation Awards Now Open for Nominations and Voting!

Is there someone in the Plone community you think should be recognized for their contributions to moving Plone forward? Now is you chance to do so!

The Plone Innovation Awards will showcase the most innovative new features and developments in a very visual way, to both the developer community and a world wide audience.

This serves the following goals:

  • emphasizing the ongoing development and innovation in Plone
  • highlighting the most interesting innovations for the community
  • praising and celebrating the individuals moving Plone forward
  • demonstrating the viability and reach of Plone for a wide audience
  • generating buzz and traffic around Plone

How can you make a nomination?

Anybody can submit an entry for the Plone Innovation Awards contest on this site. Each entry results in a dedicated page on which provides a Tweet button that functions as voting link.

Presenters at the Plone conference will be canvassed to provide a compelling image on their presentation, that can be used to create entries for most presentations at the conference.

Twitter voting

Anybody can vote for any entry by tweeting that entries' url on Twitter. The only requirement is, that voters use the #ploneawards hashtag or @ploneawards tag in combination with a url.

You can vote for multiple entries, and also vote multiple times for the same entry. We're measuring passion, not citizens.

This should generate a nice buzz on Twitter and drive traffic to

Plone Conference

In a plenary session at the Plone conference, the top rated entries will be shown on screen and shortly narrated. A panel staffed by respected community members will select from the top-voted entries the winners in several categories.

The overall winner across all entries will receive a special attention.

If you have questions about the awards, direct them to

A special note ...

Special recognition goes out to Guido A.J. Stevens of Cosent for his tireless efforts in proposing these awards and developing the excellent website where people can nominate and recognize others in the Plone community.