Plone Open Garden 2012: the event is getting closer, register now!
Don’t hesitate to join us in Sorrento from May 2 to 4!
Spring is forthcoming, and with it the Plone Open Garden 2012, the Plone-oriented international event arranged by the italian company Abstract, that will be held at the beginning of May in the Hotel Mediterraneo in Sorrento, Italy.
Don’t forget to make a note of this unique meeting and register now (registration accepted until April 15): it’s easy, just fill this form! As usual, we worked to keep the costs affordable saving quality, and to provide all the comforts you need for your stay at a low price: in this regard take a look at this and this page!
A call for discussion is also about to be launched 5th March, to allow you to propose all the topics you would like to discuss or sprint on during the three days of our Open Garden: we are willing to receive all your ideas and suggestions!
Don’t wait any longer: join us now, we are waiting to make you live an amazing experience made of Plone-based discussions, work, Sprint and relax!