Plone at CMS-Garden on CeBIT 2013
Plone will be a part of the CMS-Garden at the March 2013 CeBIT ICT Tradeshow in Hannover, Germany. Please support Plone on these project and buy a listing and/or advertisement for the Guidebook, see below.
Not Just Your Garden-Variety CMS Event!
The world's leading Open Source Content Management Systems will come together in one place for the first time at the March 2013 CeBIT ICT Tradeshow in Hannover, Germany. The CMS-Garden in Hall 6 will highlight the full gamut of Enterprise Content Management Systems in side-by-side demonstrations.
Open Source Content Management Systems have long dominated the international market as the favorite for both big and small enterprises. No commercial software company has been able to rival the commitment and creativity of developers participating in international Open Source communities who, for the most part, offer their products for free and fully support their products. Each Open Source CMS is built on professionalism and conforms to the highest quality standards. Open Source Content Management systems aren’t just for a few hearty souls exploring web development. International conglomerates, large and small companies, for-profits and non-profits, schools, churches, and all manner of organizations and associations base their web presence on the tools and techniques provided by Open Source Communities. Globally, thousands of agencies, web designers, graphic designers, and programmers make their living through the implementation and design based on these web applications.
tooIt is exactly this group of people who are planting the CMS Garden and creating this unique amalgamation of Open Source Communities at the world's largest IT tradeshow. At CeBIT 2013 over a dozen Open Source CMS systems from TYPO3 to Drupal, Joomla, OpenCMS, Contao, Plone, ModX, and others will face the scrutiny and questions of visitors who will be able to compare and contrast each system in one place for the first time ever. In the CMS Garden, each Open Source System will sow the seeds of possibility that will bloom into a bouquet of new, updated, and more powerful web applications.
In recent years, there has been an exponential emergence of new Open Source CMS systems. Because each system has different operational priorities, the CMS Garden will be a showcase for each one as they demonstrate their distinct approaches to managing web content, text, images, and multimedia. Even though each system will present in total harmony, the CMS Garden Party will also provide an opportunity for some healthy competition. Each of the CMS Communities will be invited to compete with one another by solving both everyday and exotic tasks while onlookers watch as they try to achieve optimal results using their respective tools.
Thus the objective is to have a peaceful competition of smart people showing off their best solutions. This will benefit everyone. Visitors and customers will get to compare the different strategies and approaches of each Open Source CMS. Businesses and agencies will be able to choose from among the best content management and web design tools all in one place. And of course, the programmers themselves will get to peek over the shoulders of their competition’s abilities and skills with impunity.
The CMS Garden event is being financed by publication of The CMS Garden Guidebook, an informational book printed specifically for this event. The CMS Garden Guidebook isn’t just documentation for each of the systems, but includes a powerhouse list of agencies and freelancers for each Open Source CMS solution. The book itself is being funded through paid entries and advertisements from freelancers, companies, and agencies. If you haven’t reserved your listing and advertisement for inclusion, go to as soon as possible to be sure you’re included.
The CMS Garden still needs volunteers, supporters, and sponsors. Further information can be found on the project website: