Chrissy Wainwright and Maurizio Delmonte Chosen Plone Foundation Members

The Plone Foundation Board of Directors has announced the selection of Chrissy Wainwright and Maurizio Delmonte as the newest members of the Plone Foundation.

Chrissy Wainwright is the Senior Template Developer at Six Feet Up, based in Indianapolis, Indiana (USA).  She has implemented Plone themes for dozens of sites, including,, and  She has taught Plone theming classes for several years, including the Plone Symposium East at PSU and the Plone Conference 2011 in San Francisco. Chrissy graduated from Western Illinois University in 2004 with a degree in Instructional Technology and Telecommunications, and has worked with websites ever since. She is also a Plone Core contributor. Committed to passing on her knowledge of Plone theming, Chrissy recently implemented the new design for the header, helped build the theme used for the 2011 Plone Conference website (which including teaching others how to do parts of the theming) and has helped put together the various reference cards given out by Six Feet Up at conferences.

Maurizio Delmonte is a Plone consultant with Abstract Open Solutions in Potenza Picena, Italy.  Part of the Plone community from the outset, he contributed the first italian translation of Plone, and still maintains the current version with the Plone Italian Translation Group. Maurizio helps update the site, which is undergoing a progressive evolution both updating site's contents and pushing the Italian Planet Plone rss.  He's been involved in the organization of Plone Conferences 2007 and 2009, European Plone Symposium, Plone Open Garden, Sorrento Sprint and ContènTOUR and since 2003 he has continuously attended events to promote Plone and its community (the first time was in 2003 in Padova, then in various editions of the Linux Day, the last time at Better Software, a major Italian tech event).  He is currently a member of the Plone Foundation Board of Directors and Membership Committee chair for 2011/2012.

The Plone Foundation is the organization formed in 2004 to serve as a supporting organization for Plone and its community. Members of the Foundation are chosen by the Foundation's Membership Committee on the basis of merit - specifically that they have made significant, enduring contributions which benefit the general Plone community. (The membership guidelines are available here.)

The Foundation is happy to welcome Chrissy and Maurizio as our newest members.