Roadmap to Plone's current and future development published
Plone Roadmap team unveils an overview of future directions for our CMS
Last July, the Plone Foundation Board
established the Plone Roadmap Team
- a group providing strategic input and guidance in documenting the future direction of Plone with a product roadmap.
Today, the Roadmap Team releases the first public version of this document, which is available at The document will be updated regularly to reflect changes in the state of Plone's development.
According to Plone Foundation President Matt Hamilton, "The Plone project has always had a published roadmap, and this has been one of the key strengths of Plone as an Open Source project. Anyone can see where the project is going in the future. The problem we identified was this roadmap was managed by the Framework Team and directly tied to the Plone Improvement Process (PLIP). It did not allow us to document longer term, more strategic, objectives. This new roadmap has been compiled by the newly formed Roadmap Team in consultation with and input from a much wider audience"
Please bear in mind that the purpose behind the roadmap is not to provide a calendar of releases. It is to provide members of the Plone community and the public an idea as to the order of items which are in development and where they are in the release process in relative terms.
The members of the roadmap team would like to thank the many members of the community who contributed their ideas, suggestions and discussions as this document went through a number of internal drafts. Of special note, Martin Aspeli for creating the excellent first draft of the document that put the idea together and Jon Stahl for helping combine the drafts, feedback and comments into the document that is being presented today.