Training for Plone Conference 2011 Announced

The training topics and trainers for the two days of classes preceding this year's Plone Conference in San Francisco have been announced. The training will be held on November 1st and 2nd; leading up to the conference kickoff on November 3rd.

These sessions are a great way to get up to speed on Plone, learn about aspects of the CMS you have always wanted been interested is, or just hone your skills with some of the best trainers in the Plone community.

Details will be available soon on the training page of the conference site, along with links for signing up for the classes.  Remember that the cost of training is not included in the conference fee.

(The following courses and instructors are confirmed. Course descriptions and details subject to change.)

Theming Plone 4 — Chrissy Wainwright — Two Days
This training session includes front-end design of a Plone 4.0 site from start to finish using two methods: Traditional Plone theming, and using The training will be a hands-on, introductory walk-through of the process, using a pre-created sample design. Attendees will need their computers and will be expected to follow along on their own local instances.
Knowledge of XHTML and CSS; Basic familiarity with Plone

Cris Ewing — Getting off the Ground with Plone — Two Days
So you've heard about Plone, this smart, secure and powerful content management system and you'd like to get started. Where to begin? This training course is for you.You'll learn how to install Plone, how to create your first website and get started adding content, how to get quick, simple victories for your new project, and how to deploy your site when you're ready to go live.

Martin Aspeli — Plone Development Environment and Deployment Masterclass — Two Days
Learn to develop and deploy like a Plone pro! On the first day, you will learn how to set up a powerful and productive development environment, employing the tools the professionals use to debug, document and release manage their code. The second day will focus on caching, performance optimisation, deployment configuration and application lifecycle management.

Technologies covered will include: Buildout; mr.developer; the Python debugger; plone.reload; Sphinx; PyPI-style distribution management;; HAProxy; Varnish; and nginx.

Some Plone customisation or development experience will be helpful to bring the content into context. Familiarity with the command line will be necessary for day two.


Creating Custom Content Types with Dexterity — Steve McMahon — Two Days

With Plone 4, the Dexterity content-type-development framework has become a practical and desirable alternative to the Archetypes framework Plone has featured in previous versions. This course will show how it's possible to use Dexterity now to build reliable and maintainable new content types for Plone 4+.
Basic Python, HTML and XML. Command-line skills on your platform of choice.

Introduction to Pyramid — Paul Everitt — One Day
Pyramid is a small, fast, down-to-earth Python web application development framework. It is developed as part of the Pylons Project and shares many technical roots with Zope and Plone.
Prerequisites: Basic Python, HTML