Plone Open Garden 2011 - An Unqualified Success

Abstract Open Solutions, organizers of Plone Open Garden 2011, thanked attendees today for their participation, capping off the 5th edition of this growing European Plone community event. (Thanks to Valeria Russo for providing us with this story.)

Plone Open Garden 2011: Thank you for coming!


The 5th edition of the Italian Plone and Open Source meeting is just over. Abstract Open Solutions worked a lot to plan a perfect meeting for everyone. And it got it! We really enjoyed the whole long weekend, talking, sharing and...eating!

Plone Open Garden has been followed, as usual, by a very cool Sprint this year which brought new ideas and so many news from the Plone World.

A very important meeting not for advanced attendees only but for beginners too!

We’ve opened the doors for those who wanted to know more about Plone, Open Source. They had doubts and questions. We had solutions and answers. Do you think it’s been a boring small conference? Wrong!

Coffee breaks and lunches helped to connect each other, we never stop! But sun, sea, beautiful weather(and great food), turned a very intense meeting  into a long chilling and funny weekend!

Seems impossible but impossible is nothing when you’ve got an Open mind! Then the Sprint gave us the opportunity to share ideas, doubts and everything would come into our Abstract minds!

With the help of the wonderful garden: our brains were so chilled.

We’d like to thank all the attendees and, of course, all the Plone Community.

See the pictures online

(sea, sun,’s an hard job baby!).

Would be great to see and share all of the attendees' and guests' pictures published on Flickr:use the plog2011 tag and we will link them!

Stay in touch with Abstract and ask for the upcoming english version issue of the online Abstract Magazine.

If You want to share your impressions about the Event, please feel free to send us an email: we will will include your contribution in the upcoming english version issue of our online Magazine.

Thank You all!

Hope to see you next year!

Abstract Open Solutions



Further Info:




Plone Open Garden 2011: