Plone Foundation Board Selects Officers for 2011-2012

Matt Hamilton has been named President, Carol Ganz Vice-President, Paul Roeland Secretary and Jen Myers Treasurer.

The newly elected Plone Foundation Board of Directors held their first meeting on Thursday, November 17th and chose Foundation officers for the upcoming year.

The officers are:

President - Matt Hamilton
Matt is Technical Director at Bristol, UK-based Netsight Internet Solutions a Plone development company based in Bristol, UK.  He is generally involved in Plone consulting on scalability, authentication and integration of Plone in the enterprise.  He organised the Plone performance sprint in Bristol in 2008.  Matt also served on the founding board of the Plone Foundation. This is Matt's fifth term on the board.

Vice President  - Carol Ganz
Carol is a Plone business specialist and evangelist with a serious customer-service focus. Working for Six Feet Up in Fortville, Indiana (USA) since 2008, she started as





moved to Director of Hosting Services


and now





account management

teams as the Director of Business Development

This is Carol's first term on the board.

Secretary - Paul Roeland
Paul is an open source activist, tech coordinator for several non-profits. Currently working for the Clean Clothes Campaign in Amsterdam, Netherlands, his past involvements include Friends of the Earth, a film festival, and a range of events with the wider ICT4D and Opendata movements.This is Paul's first term on the board.

Treasurer - Jen Myers
Jen is the Director of Accounting for Six Feet Up in Fortville, Indiana (USA). She has over 15 years of financial experience; 12 years in public accounting, followed by a 3 1/2 year stint as the Financial Controller at a software and hardware company.  Jen is not a member of the Foundation Board, appointed in accordance with Foundation bylaws.

Following his election, Foundation President Matt Hamilton talked a little about the next year -

"I am very excited to be working with the most diverse Plone Foundation board we have ever had, with members from six different countries over three continents. Plone has just turned 10 this year and has proved itself to be one of the most enduring, and capable content management systems out there.

This year I really want to push forward building on the work of the previous board in terms of marketing Plone and building stronger relationships with the wider Python, Open Source, and Content Management communities. We have an exciting year ahead with the landing of several major and exciting technologies in the 4.x and 5.x roadmap.

Diazo, the new theming engine for Plone has made Plone once again one of the easiest CMS in the world to theme; Dexterity is moving content type creation away from being solely a developer task to that of a power user; and Deco is redefining how we think of a 'page' and how we manage content.

The Plone community is expanding ever more with a record number of new contributors in the past year. I'm looking forward to being a part of Plone as is goes into its second decade!"