Plone Announces New Release Naming Scheme Effective April 1
The Plone Foundation has announced a new version naming scheme, aimed at bringing Plone more into the mainstream of product naming while preserving the unique focus and flavor of the community with names that resonate with the people who make and use Plone.
Apple has Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion; Ubuntu the Dapper Drake, Karmic Koala and Maverick Meerkat. Effective immediately, Plone will undertake a similar scheme.
In keeping with the stated focus of the community, all future releases of Plone will be named for Belgian beers. Plone 4.1 will therefore be released as Plone St. Bernardus; 4.2 as Plone Chimay Bleue, 4.3 as Plone Duvel, and Plone 4.4 as Plone Orval.
"Of course, these are all preliminary at this point," said Calvin Hendryx-Parker, Plone Foundation President and resident product naming / tasting expert. "If we run into a truly mind-blowing ale, it could definitely kick one of the existing choices out of the rotation."
Matt Hamilton, Foundation member and organizer of the recent Plone Conference in Bristol, UK, debated tirelessly for a scheme alternating the Belgian Beers with his country's excellent ales and lagers. "Plone Young's Double Chocolate Stout just had a great ring to it!" he said after the board chose not to support his motion. Despondent, Hamilton was seen drowning his sorrows in huge mug of Bath Ale's Barnstormer.
The board did however unanimously choose to approve a naming scheme for all subpoint releases which will recognize American beers in cases where updates have very little substance. Plone 4.1.1 will therefore be released under the moniker Plone Miller Extra Light, 4.1.2 as Plone PBR and 4.1.3 as Plone Whatever Swill They Have on Tap Tonite. "We'd have come up with more," said one Foundation member on the promise of anonymity. "But no one wanted to do the required testing. I mean, seriously, these are American beers!"
Discussions of a Plone release for Education (Plone O'Doul's) have been planned for the Plone Release Naming Sprint and Beer Garden at the Annual Plone conference in San Francisco this year. BYOB.