Plone-Powered Connexions Featured in The Chronicle of Higher Education
Publisher of web content for education highlighted in Chronicle of Higher Education article "New Digital Tools Let Professors Tailor Their Own Textbooks for Under $20"
Connexions is a developer of web-based collections of free educational materials, whose work towards making outstanding content available to students as an alternative to traditional textbooks has grabbed international attention. Their software systems are powered by Plone.
Connexions was featured in an October 9, 2011 article in The Chronicle of Higher Education - "New Digital Tools Let Professors Tailor Their Own Textbooks for Under $20" - where co-founder Richard Baraniuk is quoted on the changes their sort of customized publishing is having on the publishing industry.
The Executive Director of Connexions, Dr. Joel Thierstein recently keynoted the Plone Symposium East 2011 at Penn State with a talk entitled "Moving to Mainstream: Connexions and Plone in Everyday Education." He is also the Associate Provost for Innovative Scholarly Communication at Rice University.