Proposal deadline for Plone Symposium East 2009 in 1 week

Frenzied last-minute call for talk and training proposals, complete with scare tactics and thinly veiled threats.


There's only 1 week left to submit your proposal to give a talk or training at Plone Symposium East 2009, The Place To Be for a Plone conference this year if you live in the Americas and don't want to swim to Italy! You'll even get an additional $75 off the (cheap!) earlybird price of $250 if your proposal is accepted, along with a full 50 minutes of nauseating toadying by WebLion staff. Honestly, where else are you going to find a good toady at this late date?

Need inspiration? Here are some in-demand training and talk ideas. It might also be prudent to get some sprints together.

Sign the heck up!