Announcing Plone Symposium South America
Members from Python Brazil and Plone Cono Sur met and defined a strategical plan to organize the Plone Symposium South America for 2009 and 2010.
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Foz de Iguazu, Brazil
- During Latinoware 2008, members from Plone Cono Sur and Associação Python Brasil met and defined a strategical plan to organize the Plone Symposium South America. The first edition will be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil during 2009 and the second one, in Cordoba Argentina, during 2010. The plan defined actions to organize a yearly event in order to promote Plone in a region with 17,840,000 square kilometers (6,890,000 sq mi) with a population estimated at more than 371,090,000.
About Python Brasil
Python Brazil is a Civil Association (Associação Python Brasil or APyB) founded in July, 2007. The association meets Python, Zope and Plone users and developers. It hosts two mailing lists, Python Brazil is up to two thousand members and ZopePt is up to nine hundred and maintains two web sites PythonBrasil and The group organizes yearly the biggest Python Conference in Latin America, called PyConBrasil.
About Plone Cono Sur
Plone Cono Sur was founded in January 2007 and its mailing list meets more than 150 Plone users and Developers from Spanish spoken countries of South America and other countries. Since its beginning, the group organized many events to promote Plone in the region. The group also translates documentation to Spanish and maintains a list websites made with plone in the region.