Wanted: Your Plone Marketing Materials
As part of the upcoming Plone Strategic Planning Summit, we'll be doing a brand audit and eventually produce reusable marketing materials for the entire Plone community. You can help by sharing the marketing materials you've already got!
Have you ever sold Plone to a customer? Have you created any Plone marketing materials to help make the sale? Ever presented Plone at a conference that isn't a Plone conference, or represented Plone at a trade show? Before creating new, reusable (and translatable!) marketing material for the Plone Community, we'd like to see what's already out there, analyze what the current approach is, and get inspiration from existing marketing materials. And you can help! Send your brochures, sales pitches, marketing slideshows, RFP responses or anything else that might be relevant for Plone marketing to "marketing@plone.org":mailto:marketing@plone.org. Your material will of course be kept strictly confidential - we're simply surveying what's out there currently, and what approaches people use to sell Plone to customers at the moment. So even if the material contains project-specific info, don't worry - it will only be seen by a handful of people, and discarded once we have a summary. No project-specific information will ever be visible to anybody else but the members of the marketing committee.
Thanks, on behalf of the Plone Marketing committee - Mark Corum and Alexander Limi