Plone Conference Sprint Newsletters Published
Each week leading up to the 2008 Plone Conference, a newsletter about post-conference sprint developments is published. Two issues of the newsletter are out now. The newsletters contain articles about how to get involved in sprint topics as well as information about getting to and around the sprint. In addition, the sign-ups for Plone Conference Lightning Talks and Birds of a Feather sessions have opened.
Sprint Newsletters:
- Issue #4 of the DC Sprint Newsletter
Plone Conference and Sprint IRC Channel ::: ZopeSkel Sprint Update ::: Sprint Location Site Plan ::: Plone4Artists Sprint Announced ::: Sprint Volunteers: Your Help Needed - Issue #3 of the DC Sprint Newsletter
Beginners’ Sprint Update ::: Effective Pairing ::: SchoolTool CanDo Sprint ::: Scrum in Five Minutes ::: Repoze Sprint Announced ::: GloWorm at the Theme Sprint ::: The Hotel Harrington Experience - Issue #2 of the DC Sprint Newsletter
Pre-sprint Flickr Set ::: Take the Skinners Bowling! (aka Plone Themes Sprint Update) ::: GetPaid Sprint Update ::: Documentation Sprint Update ::: A Taste of Naples at the Sprint - Issue #1 of the DC Sprint Newsletter
Sprint Information Wiki ::: ZopeSkel Sprint Report ::: Documentation Sprint Report ::: Sprint Location Report ::: Getting to the Sprint
Conference Community Sign-ups:
At the end of each conference day, you can have five timed minutes to stand and talk before the assembled conference attendees. You can unveil a new Plone product, inform people about a little known Plone tip or feature, or pimp events you want to pitch (like a Birds of a Feather session). It's your chance to make an unjuried conference presentation. You can use a laptop projector. Or not.
At the end of each conference day, you can acquire meeting space in the conference center to meet with other conference attendees concerning a topic of mutual interest. Common Birds of a Feather sessions of the past have included User group organizers, Framework or Documentation team meetings, and Educational users of Plone. This is a chance to build your own community of interest.