Thanks for making the Snow Sprint possible!
This year with 56 people from 14 different countries.
The fourth snowsprint is over, a big Zope and Plone sprint. This year with 56 people from 14 different countries. We met in the alps of Austria and stayed at the very nice Gasthaus Hirschen. Everything perfectly organized thanks to the lovely sister Miann. This year we had a very nice mix of topics and the results are amazing.
- performance for viewlets and views in zope3 - they are now cachable!
- z3 training application - more people learned the wonderful world of zope 3 component architecture
- Philipp von Weitershausen gave a one day tutorial about Grok
- Multimedia for Plone - Nate lead the multimedia team and they added some new features to the Plone4Artists package
- Calendaring for Plone - from the calendaring track, lead by Spanky the best from different products was taken and put into a new one, check out dateable
- REST - me and Stefan Holek continued on the package for zope 3 that was started by Stephan Richter. We managed to add a REST api for Stefan’s lovely.counting counter with only few lines of code.
- KSS team worked on three tasks :
- refactorings for drag and drop support
- open connection between client and server to push server events back to client (experimental - Comet-like)
- setup of a buildbot for cross-browsers tests with Selenium RC
Much more was accomplished and even more was taught and learned. This is what some are saying:
“Thanks to lovely system and all the attendees for the great sprint! :-)” - Christian Scholz
“Thanks to Lovely for allowing us to once again share the positive energy of the Zope and Plone commmunity…” - Godefroid Chapelle
“the snowsprint (which was my first sprint) was a really good, nice, amazing, funny experience - and it was also hard work.” - Johannes Raggam
And I want to say thank you to our sponsors meinberlin, lovelybooks, globalsoft, zest software, netcentric, voralberg online, atos origin and telesis. Thank you very much, the sprint would not be possible without you!
See you next year. Same place same time :) and hopefully with much more snow.
- Sasha Vincic, Lovely Systems