PloneGov won the biggest French open source project award
PloneGov community and Zea Partners are proud to announce that the new Plone e-government initiative won the biggest French award for open source project Jun13 during a ceremony hold in the city of Paris Town Hall. This award, called "Grand prix du jury des Lutèce d'Or 2007", demonstrates the PloneGov work quality and encourages us to continue on this way.
The PloneGov project was competing in the "Local governments" category but won finally the “Grand prix du jury”, the most important price.
Around 45 Belgian, French, Spanish, Swiss, Argentinean and American Cities and Regions participate in the CommunesPlone project, renamed PloneGov on June1, 2007. In doing so, they aim to gain independence from IT services providers by developing, essentially by themselves and in a cooperative manner, applications and websites for their own use as well as for their citizens’. PloneGov strategy mainly rests on Open Source tools: Zope and Plone.
PloneGov’s expected benefits are: to enhance the applications’ consistency with the users’ needs; to promote collaborative websites; to use the most recent technologies while avoiding licence fees; to ensure publication of sources with GPL.