PloneGov awarded by the European Commission
The PloneGov team is proud to announce that their eGovernment open source initiative based on Plone has been awarded the “Good Practice label 2007”. PloneGov receives this prestigious label based on the recommendation from the 2007 European eGovernment Awards consortium.
The goal of PloneGov is to share efforts and existing applications between public administrations. Expected benefits are: lower cost to taxpayer for eGovernment functionality, faster delivery of high quality service, higher degree of meeting citizen’s needs, collaborative development of eGovernment functionality, employing modern technologies while avoiding licence fees and facilitating sharing and greater independence from IT service providers through mutual aid by publishing the source code under the GPL (GNU Public License).
Across the world several million regions, cities and local authorities, at least 100,000 of them in Europe, are faced with the same e-government challenges. So why not unite their efforts? "The international development model used by PloneGov allows the Public Sector and SME to use globalization as an instrument at their service. Each participant gets direct benefits from PloneGov: think local and act global", explained Xavier HEYMANS, CEO, Zea Partners.
Only 10% of all cases published on the portal receive the Good Practice label. It is assigned to the highest ranked entries with a point rating above 80 from the experts or those given more than four stars by the community.
Dozens of individuals are contributing making PloneGov one of the best e-Government open source project. The PloneGov team would like to thank them all for their passion and hard work. The project remains open to new collaboration from the Public Sector and SME.
The PloneGov rock stars includes :
- Towns, cities, regions and parliaments involved in the project: for their openness and support of open source values.
- Plone Community: for technical innovation and unbounded generosity.
- Region of Wallonia, Belgium: as a main sponsor of PloneGov's successful participation to the EU eGovernment awards.
- Zea Partners team and members SME : for clear and determined leadership and ongoing commitment to promote and coordinate the project internationally.
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