Google Summer of Code 2007 projects

The Google Summer of Code 2007 projects have been awarded, and Plone Foundation got assigned 8 projects this year (up from 3 last year). Read on to see who will be working on improving Plone this summer!

The accepted projects and students are: New transformation and indexing infrastructure for Plone -- Hanno Schlichting Improved out-of-the-box WebDAV experience -- Sidnei da Silva Development of flexible Weblog Solution for Plone -- Tim Hicks LinguaPlone improvements -- Ramon Navarro Bosch Plone Syndication -- Derek Richardson Improved Commenting Infrastructure -- Dave Fowler OpenDocument import, indexing, preview -- Joscha Krutzki Genesis: Next Generation UML code generator -- Vidar Svansson For the full list of the accepted proposals and detailed descriptions, see the "Plone Foundation Summer of Code page at Google Code": Congratulations to everyone that was selected, and thanks to everyone who submitted a proposal this year!