Snow-Sprint 2005 reaches new heights
30 sprinters, 2000 meters, 2.5 meters of snow, 1 diesel generator.
We're having a good time and working mainly on 4 topics: ArcheTypes 1.4 -- lot's of things to clean up Archetypes UI & UI -- adding features for Plone 2.1 or 2.2 that handle AT widgets, LiveSearch, and other UI improvements. ArchGenXML -- changing to a better options system, adding documentation, and test cases. CMFMember + TeamSpaces & LDAP + PAS -- Integrating LDAP and CMFMember. Making the PlonePAS stuff from the San Jose sprint closer to bring ready for production. In addition, of course, some side projects have sprung up, including an event system for Plone, CMF1.5 integration with Plone. There's been more snow falling since we arrived, and some of us went for toboggan tonight. The real skiing is planned for later this week. You can follow our progress in #snowsprint. The "Wiki":/events/sprints/snow-sprint2/ is the source for more information.