Plone Conference 2005 looking for organizers
Plone Conference 1 jazzed New Orleans in 2003. Plone Conference 2 grooved a Vienna disco in 2004. How about 2005?
The Plone Foundation hereby opens the discussion for Plone Conference 3, 2005 edition. Who is interested in hosting the conference, following in the footsteps of Alan from Enfold and Robert from BlueDynamics? What kinds of topics or formats would the Plone community be interested in? We are interested first and foremost in legitimate offers for hosting. Please don't volunteer someone else to run the conference in the luxurious resort destination of your choice. ;) Arranging the Plone Conference is no small task, so some organizational experience is preferred. Also, it should be organized in a part of the world that is easy to get to for most of the Plone developers if it is going to be as much of a success as the previous ones. This does not necessarily mean Europe or the USA, but it should be near a major hub of transportation. The arrangers of a Plone Conference have the responsibility of getting sponsors to help get the talk and tutorial speakers to the conference, make sure everyone gets food, and making sure everything proceeds according to plans. The Plone Foundation will offer advice and recommendations in addition to officially recognizing the event, but does not have the capacity to get directly involved with the actual organizational issues - so be prepared to work as an independent unit if you want to organize the conference. If you have a company or a band of volunteers that are interested in organizing the main Plone event in 2005, "Plone Foundation":/foundation/about/contact would like to hear from you. Please include details about your effort, proposed location and any former experience in organizing such events. This discussion period will stay open until some time after the Snow Sprint on Feb 26, 2005. For information on the previous Plone conferences, please see the "conference section":/events/conferences.