Objectis.org in Italian
From today on, when opening objectis.org website, you will find the Italian version too, which is going to allow users across the peninsula to get to know in a better way this hosting provider.
Objectis.org is a project born in 2002 with the aim to provide a free service of Zope hosting, which evolved into a more complex structure including Plone, too.
At the moment this site has got 13689 subscribers, including about 2900 Plone 1 web sites and more than 7000 with Plone 2. It has a forum which, thanks to its development over the last few years, can answer to help requests within 12 hours.
The site was born in English and French and, as the years went by, was translated into other languages as German, Spanish, Brazilian-Portuguese, Russian, Chinese, and at last Italian.
Redomino translated this site, making it easily usable to Italian users.