No Software Patents! A Portlet for Plone.

Under the influence of the patent system and big industry lobbyists, the European Union is on the verge of making a huge mistake: to pass a law that would legalize software patents. With the use of this portlet, it is possible to contribute to the prevention of software patents.

A simple portlet for plone that i18n - links to

Link to

Web campaigns against software patents have already been very effective in the past. With this portlet, you can easily link to and it will be easier than ever for someone to quickly understand the problem of software patents. Many software patents specifically relate to websites and key WWW technologies such as e-commerce and content management. Every website operator potentially runs the risk of being sued over a patent infringement if software patents are legalized by the EU. Such simple things as the possibility to pay by credit card have been patented, so it's time for website operators to stand up and fight against software patents. Using nosoftwarepatents_portlet and placing a link to this website costs nothing and shows responsibility for our future. In contrast, software patents can cost a lot of money, and can take entire websites out of operation.

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The Portlet supports the languages:

Català: No a les patents de programari!
Česky: Žádné softwarové patenty!
Deutsch: Wir wollen keine Softwarepatente!
Eesti: Ei tarkvarapatentidele!
English: No Software Patents!
Ελληνικά: Όχι στα διπλώματα ευρεσιτεχνίας (πατέντες) λογισμικού!
Español: ¡No a las patentes de software!
Français: NON aux brevets logiciels!
Italiano: No ai brevetti software!
Latviski: Nē programmatūras patentiem!
Lietuviškai: "Ne!" programinės įrangos patentams!
Magyar: Ne legyenek szoftverszabadalmak!
Nederlands: Geen softwarepatenten!
Polski: Nie Patentom Software'owym!
Português: Não às patentes de software!
Suomi: Ei ohjelmistopatentteja!
Svenska: Nej till mjukvarupatent!