Join the Plone Bug Day!

We are getting very close to the final release of Plone 2.0, it's running on, and is very stable (and wonderful to work with). However, there are still some unresolved bugs, and we need your help this Friday.

We have scheduled a bug day for Plone 2.0 this coming Friday the 19th of December 2003, to get the final issues that are delaying the release sorted out. We would like you to join us in #plone on this Friday and help us - either write code, help us test the fixes or clean out the Collector of any fixed bugs. No matter what your skill level is, we have a job for you. :) For more info on how to connect to IRC, go here and read the instructions. The bug day will probably start on Thursday and proceed throughout the weekend, so drop by at any time and help out. You're waiting for Plone 2.0 too, right? This is your chance to help out! Preparations: Download Zope 2.7 Download CMF 1.4.2 Download the hourly CVS build of Plone 2.0 and install these. This should be everything you need to help out, and we will be ready to assist you with installing, if so required. See you there on Friday :) -- Alexander Limi