Plone Bug Day for 2.0
Come help get Plone 2.0 ready for release and squash some bugs on the 24th of October.
In effort to get 2.0 details sorted out we will host a Plone Bug Day on on #plone. This will begin October 24 @ 4PM CET. "Find your local time here": to know when to show up. :) This is a great time to get to know people better, ask questions and suggest different approaches to making Plone better. All bug communication will be done in the Collector. This is a easy way for people to communicate over issues. It is our main mechanism to figuring out what needs to be squashed, pontificated, and implemented. There will be some collector improvements debuted as well. Please grab a CVS copy of Plone ( 'Plone-2_0-branch' ), meet us in "#plone": and help squash bugs and usability issues. We all want a very nice 2.0 release by the end of November. :) **The Plone Team**