Austrian Ministry recommends Plone for Schools and Universities
The Austrian Ministry for Education recommends Plone for all High-End CMS Solutions at Schools or Universities.
"280 Content Management Systems evaluated" The Austrian Ministry for Education started a large evaluation for CMS's for usage at schools and universities in autumn 2002. "BlueDynamics": participated this evaluation in the role of a "Zope-Europe": Member for "Zope": Later they switched the product from Zope over to Plone. The evaluation was done in three major steps, every step shorted the list of the products. In August 2003 the "shortlist": was presented. In the summer it was also supported by the "EduPlone": Team through "OpenSource.AG": and "Solutions2U": In a workshop the ministry selected 3 systems for recommendation for schools and universities out of this "shortlist": . Since the product "Dayta": from the German company "tomcom": is based 100% on Plone, and tomcom joined also the "EduPlone": team just before, Dayta was handled as Plone during the workshop. So now, one year after the start, the official "results": are presented: "Typo3": and "PHPNuke": are recommended beside Plone. Due Plones clear architecture, it's features supporting the W3C standards as well as some important education standards provided by "EduPlone":, Plone was the preferred choice for complex highend solutions. Detailed information follows as soon as they become available.