Plone beta 3 released!

The beta 3 release of Plone is out. A lot of bug fixes, internationalization updates, Xopus technology preview, and workflow has been made more robust. Plone developers to attend the Zope 3 Sprint in Rotterdam.

Development update

We had initially put up a beta3 tarball last week for people to start kicking. We found some showstoppers, so we had to give it a few days extra. While the team was busy fixing the bugs, Helge and Alex added Xopus (a very nice WYSIWYG XML editor) to Plone. This was the last big thing that was going to go into 1.0 final. We are attempting to *only* address usability, Xopus and and i18n issues between beta3 and our first release candidate (RC1), to allow these to catch up to the main code base.

**Please note:** Xopus integration is a technology preview. The version of Xopus has a few bugs (it mangles text in Mozilla, amongst others), and it only has a very minimal schema definition. what this means in practical terms is:

  • Do not use it on documents you want to keep
  • You can not edit your Home page or most existing pages that are auto-generated by Plone in Xopus yet - to test it, enable Xopus as the editor in your prefs, and create a new document to test.

Once this tarball has been tested and we correct any Plone problems, we will focus heavily on the .pot files and the i18n effort. We are hoping for a 1.0 release to be what we thought would never happen, both 100% translatable and visually stunning!

The Plone effort is gaining more momentum and we seem to be quenching the thirst of the community. Please help by reporting bugs and usability quirks to the "bug collector":/collector to help us finish off the last ones.

Plone Team attends Zope 3 sprint in Rotterdam

A lot of the Plone developers (Alan, Alex, Ben, amongst others) will be in Rotterdam from December 2-6 for the "Zope3 Sprint": at Infrae. We will be organizing several informal Plone sessions in the evening after the Sprint happenings.

Join the team!

Plone is a fast growing project. The "Documentation effort":/documentation/book has been making a lot of progress in the past few weeks. The "Internationalization effort":/development/i18n is an arduous one. If you want to make Plone the best Open/Free Content Management System - please contribute your time to one of these efforts - they have clearly defined goals, and leaders to support them.

"Download Plone 1.0 beta 3 here":/download "Plone":img:logoIcon.gif "

**The Plone Team**":/about/team