Plone at EuroPython
Amongst many topics covered at "EuroPython": there will be a "Plone and CMF": presentation by George A. Runyan Jr., aka. **runyaga**. The presentation will be posted up on the Plone site after the conference. Some of the major points we will be going over: * Plone can serve as a evolutionary point for functionality that can be rolled into CMF proper. We saw this with the portal_calendar tool. I would like to see other services such as Form Validation, Portlet/blocks, and Navigation-control functionality grow and be refined in Plone. * You can make your code look really nice by fulfilling the Plone CSS contract. On your edit form each row is a div and each column is a span. This really enables more powerful layout as Plone grows and if you have this layout information specified in your Forms. We believe a documented CSS-API would be beneficial for all developers using ZOPE. * UI in Plone, I believe is first rate. Its very simple and generally end users are familiar with the paradigm. There are lots of lessons we have learned. Some issues we should resolve such as ID vs TITLE's. Growing a tree structure would help and taking advantage of CMFWorkspaces would most likely help tremendously for people who do not need *placeful* content. There is plenty more. I would be very interested in what you feel Plone brings to the table. If you could share with us what sites are using Plone and why you think Plone is cool. The plone team would greatly appreciate it.