1st Plone Bug Day

You are all invited to help squash bugs, implement new features, and meet the Plone Team. Tuesday, June 18 @ 8AM US/Central or 13:00:00 GMT. Hopefully we will continue throughout the day.

On the plone-developers mailing list we have come up with a date and time for the first Plone bug day. Whats a bug day? You help us by reporting and reproducing and hopefully fixing bugs in Plone. Drop by #plone on irc.openprojects.net and help squash bugs. All diffs are put back in the collector and will be integrated back into CVS ASAP. Things to focus on: * Grammar bugs * metadata_edit_form Format/Language popup boxes * refactor PortalFactory * "Items in need of fix'n":http://plone.org/collector/43/collector_issue_contents Gurus on hand: * Alexander Limi (limi) * Sidnei de Silva (Dreamcatcher) * Paul Everitt * Lalo * Magnus We hope to see as many of you as possible there!