2017 World Plone Day in Bologna, Italy
For the seventh year in a row, Regione Emilia Romagna hosts the World Plone Day in Bologna
For the seventh time, Regione Emilia Romagna hosts the World Plone Day.
The event is open both to organizations from the Public Sector, and to businesses using Plone, to put together experiences, case studies and to showcase the Plone solutions delivered since the last edition of World Plone Day, rangng from institutional/corporate websites to Intranets and other applications.
RedTurtle, Plone technical partner for the Regione, will support the organization and deliver a talk about recent success stories.
The programme of 26 April 2016 will take place in the morning, beginning/ending respectively at 09:30 and 13:00, with a coffee break around 11:00.
The provisional list of speakers, that will be retouched and extended in the weeks to come, allows us to confirm the following speakers and (where available) titles of the talks:
- Sara Turra (Regione Emilia Romagna)
- Marco Grana (AUSL Bologna) - "Form e organizzazione, l'esperienza dell'Azienda USL di Bologna"
- Fabio Mirotti (Comune di Modena)
- Barbara Curcio Rubertini (Azienda Ospedaliera di Ferrara)
- Andrea Malossini e Roberta Renati (ARPAE) - "Aggiornàti: la intranet di Arpae Emilia-Romagna"
- Giorgio Stancari (Giulio Barbieri S.p.A.)
- A speaker from RedTurtle Technology
Participation is free of charge, requiring online registration.
The Regione Emilia Romagna and RedTurtle are looking forward to meet you Wednesday 26 April 2016 at 09:30 in the Sala Poggioli, "Terza Torre", Viale della Fiera, 8 (Bologna)