Summer of Code studentships available
The Google Summer of Code process is in full swing, if you're a student who wants to be paid to contribute to Plone — get your proposal in now!
With just over 4 days to go until student proposals for Google Summer of Code are due there's still time to apply for a studentship working with experienced Plone developers over the summer.
Google Summer of Code allows students at further and higher education institutions to apply for a studentship with almost 150 open source projects over the summer, for which they recieve $4500. The Plone Foundation is one of these organisations and we welcome proposals for projects base on Zope and Plone, add-on products like PloneFormGen and GetPaid, or supporting technology like deliverance or ArchGenXML.
Students can submit an application online, to complete either a project of their own devising or one from our list of ideas. The application process closes on the 3rd of April 2009, at 1900UTC, we look forward to reading your application.