Plone 6 Micro-Sprint

The first sprint of the series to work on Plone 6 in short, focused bursts.

We plan to do a series of "Micro-Sprints" to work on Plone 6. This will be the first sprint of the series. We will pick one or two specific topics that we want to work on and spend an afternoon working on it.

Time / Date

  • March 24th 2021 3pm - 6pm


  • Plone 6 Generator Developer Experience

    • Improve the developer experience for first time developers when bootstrapping Plone 6 / Volto
  • Slate Editor

    • Slate editor is an add-on products for Volto and a possible replacement for the DraftJS default editor in Plone. We plan to evaluate if we could switch to Slate editor.

Plone Sprint in Action

Sprint Docs

Join Us!

Everybody who wants to work on those two topics listed above is more than welcome. Developers with all levels of experience are welcome! Just add your name to our sprint document. We will do a Zoom stand up meeting at 15:00 CET: