Midsummer Sprint Jyväskylä

We are organising a #Plone sprint at @uniofjyvaskyla on 3.-7.7.2017 with topics to polish editor user experience on Plone 5.1 and later. Sunset/sunrise at 11pm/3am.

We are happy to welcome you to join Midsummer Sprint Jyväskylä 2017, a strategic Plone sprint hosted by University of Jyväskylä, Finland. The sprint is held on 3.–7.7. of July, which is only a week after the Finnish midsummer festival and nights are still very white up here (sunset/sunrise at 11pm/3am). Jyväskylä is still below the Artic Circle, but you only need to arrive a few days early to visit Rovaniemi either by airplane or by train to get around the right latitude. Our sprint venue is located at the beautiful lakeside "Mattilanniemi" campus of our university. Outside the venue you can see both the main bridge of the city an the main bridge of the university, to guarantee a proper Plone sprint.

This sprint will focus on enhancing content editor user experience throught the current Plone UI. We start on Monday with grouping / pairing and assigning issues, and end on Friday by releasing the results.


July 3rd – 7th, 2017


University of Jyväskylä
Mattilanniemi 2, Agora
Jyväskylä, Finland


This sprint will focus on polishing user experience of editor role users on Plone 5.1 and later.

Exact topics will be selected in early June, mostly from the currently open CMFPlone and Plone Mockup issues.

Possible topics include:

  • Barceloneta, our default theme, which been almost untouched since the release of Plone 5

  • Pastanaga UI, work for the future of Plone UX continues with strategic funding by Plone Foundation
  • Safe HTML transform, which is broken on Plone 5

  • React JS has been approved into core and there's hope to replace and rewrite our core patterns to base on React (and Redux) instead of jQuery templates, Backbone and friends (possibly re-using components from plone-react)

  • Products.RedirectionTool has been approved to be merged on core, but work is still unfinished

  • New login form for which some work has been done in plone.login, but left uncompleted

  • Documentation, which should be part of every sprint
  • PloneFormGen has still a few issues on Plone 5

  • your topic

Please, visit the external website for more and current information.