Costa Brava Sprint 2018
The Costa Brava Sprint 2018, organized by Iskra and kitconcept, will take place in Torroella de Mongrí (Girona), Catalonia July 19-22, 2018.
Iskra and kitconcept are pleased to announce the first Costa Brava Sprint 2018 taking place in Torroella de Mongrí (Girona), Catalonia from 19st of July to 22nd of July.
This sprint will focus on improving and evolving Guillotina (, the Python asyncIO web framework, and create an user and management interface UI based on Plone-React and Plone-Angular featuring PastanagaUI and Pastanaga Editor.
Sprint Topics:
- [FrontEnd] Rich text editor with real-time collaboration using websockets
- [FrontEnd] Plone-React on Guillotina
- [FrontEnd] Admin interface (GMI)
- [Backend] CMS features package
- [Backend] Document all current features
- [Backend] Type hinting
- [Backend] Automatic doc generator
- [Backend] i18n
- [Backend] Python client
- [Backend] Object server
- [Backend] Normalize REST API data (resolve ambiguities between parent, UID, uid, @id, @type, __name__, __behaviors__ attributes)
- [Marketing] Documentation and public web page
We welcome contributors of all sorts (developers, testers, documenters, integrators, designers). If you are interested in joining us, please contact Ramon!