
More about the talks and tutorials available for attendees of the 2004 Plone Conference in Vienna, Austria.

**Monday September 20th**

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9:00-10:25 **Archetypes ** *Benjamin* *Saller*, *Creator of ArcheTpes* Archetypes is as well a primer to Archetypes, designed for those folks who are new to Archetypes-based development or for people who never used AT before. You will learn here the basics and backgrounds and how to get started with AT. The second part of the tutorial then is for those individuals who have participated in the Beginners Session or for developers who are already familiar with Archetypes and who are interested to get deeper in that.
10:25-10:40 Move around Break
10:40-12:05 **Development Practices for Plone** *Joel* *Burton*, *independent* Ok, you've learned about Page Templates, Archetypes, and have dug through the Collective. How should you actually _build_ your site, though? This tutorial teaches about different parts of the development toolchain, including: * keeping as much of your code as possible on the filesystem, and under version control. * allowing several developers to work together, without stepping on toes. * setting up a Zope server for most effective development. * using the Zope debugger, both directly, and with debugging GUIs such as WingIDE and Boa Constructor. * using 'Site Products' to hold the skins and logic for your site in one place. * using portal setups and customizations to make recreation and tracking of your site easiest. * techniques for developing on a laptop or workstation and synchronizing with a server. * choosing conventions for your project and your team.
12:05-13:05 LUNCH
13:05-14:30 ** Archetypes - SQL** *Sidnei* *de* *Silva* Archetypes SQL is for people who have participated in the other Archetypes Tutorials or for developers who are already familiar with Archetypes and who are interested to write database based Apps with that.
14:30-14:45 Snack
14:45-16:10 **CMF Member** *Geoff* *Davis* CMFMember gives Plone some greatly improved member management features. This tutorial will developers an overview of CMFMember's functionality, then we will walk through the creation of a custom member objects. Participants should have basic familiarity with Archetypes (the Archetypes for Beginners tutorial should do nicely). People wanting even more group management capabilities should be sure to attend Rob Miller's talk on TeamSpaces and the Black Rock City Extranet, which illustrate the power of CMFMember in capable hands.
16:10-17:05 **BOF's, Discussions or Lightning Talks**

**Tuesday September 21th**

The time schedules until 15:30 may vary. It#s up to Jim and Martijn to schedule this day on dependance of the audience
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09:00-12:05 **Zope 3 Introduction ** *Jim* *Fulton* Jim will be providing a short overview of the upcoming Zope 3 and it's technology. This tutorial should be visited by everyone who is interested in Martijn's Five Tutorial.
12:05-13:05 LUNCH
13:05-13:45 **Zope 3 Introduction ** *Jim* *Fulton* Jim will be providing a short overview of the upcoming Zope 3 and it's technology. This tutorial should be visited by everyone who is interested in Martijn's Five Tutorial.
13:50-14:30 **Five** *Martijn* *Faasen* Five is a product that integrates Zope 3 functionality into Zope 2. Five right now allows you to use the following Zope 3 technologies in Zope 2: * Zope 3 Interfaces * Adapters * Pages (views), including skins and layers * ZCML It is possible to add Zope 3 style views to your own Zope 2 objects, or to existing ones, even normal Folders using this product, and it works with a straight Zope 2.7 installation, as long as Zope 3 has been installed.
14:30-14:45 Snack
14:45-15:25 **Five** *Martijn* *Faasen* Five is a product that integrates Zope 3 functionality into Zope 2. Five right now allows you to use the following Zope 3 technologies in Zope 2: * Zope 3 Interfaces * Adapters * Pages (views), including skins and layers * ZCML It is possible to add Zope 3 style views to your own Zope 2 objects, or to existing ones, even normal Folders using this product, and it works with a straight Zope 2.7 installation, as long as Zope 3 has been installed.
15:30-17:05 **PloneTestCase - The Plone 2 Test Environment Explained** *Stefan Holek* If you want to write automated tests for Plone and your Plone-based products, this tutorial is for you. You will learn how to run your tests, how and why the default fixture works, and how to write your own tests derived from the PloneTestCase class. The tutorial will cover advanced topics like testing security, accessing the file system, rigging the REQUEST, etc. Finally, we will show how to create your own test frameworks based on PTC.

**Wednesday September 22th**

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09:00-10:25 **i18n and LinguaPlone** *Geir* *Baekholt* *and* *Helge* *Tesdal* Much of Plone's popularity is due to it having the user interface translated to many languages. LinguaPlone is the new tool for Plone to properly handle multi-language-content websites. This tutorial will teach you how LinguaPlone works, and how to use it to create and manage mulitiligual content in Plone.
10:25 Move around Break
10:30-12:05 **Plone Skinning and Templating ** *Alexander* *Limi* To be described
12:05-13:05 LUNCH
13:05-14:30 **Developing Plone and Zope Applications with Boa Constructor** *Riaan Booysen and Georg Gogo Bernhard or Joel Burton* To be described
14:30-14:45 Snack
14:45-16:10 **Workflowing and Security ** *Andy McKay* Workflow and security are some of Plone's more powerful and complicated features. This tutorial steps through Plone's concepts of workflow and security so that beginners to Plone can get an understanding of how they work. I'll then step through some examples and how particpants can use these in their site. This tutorial is a must for all beginners or developers with complicated workflowing needs.
16:10-17:05 **BOF's, Discussions or Lightning Talks**
17:05 **Keynote** *Jim Fulton* Future of Content Management with Zope 3. Beside other topics Jim will present a report of the meeting of all major Zope CMS vendors concerning Zope 3. This meeting/discussion/sprint which happens just before the conference at the BlueDynamics Headquarter in Castle Goldegg has the goal to discuss about the future of CMS features in the upcoming Zope 3 to ensure more compatibility between the different CM Systems like Plone, Silva, CMS and the base Architectures like ArcheTypes, XML and so on.