However you come. Here's the guide to find the location
Car Coming from all directions Always follow the signs in direction Center or **Zentrum**. At least you will hit the "Ring", a big 4 laned one-way Road, going clockwise around the inner center of the city. Whereever you awake on the the Ring, the street name is always something with Ring in it, like Dr. Karl-Renner-Ring, Burgring, Opernring, Schottenring and so on. Just follow the Ring and enjoy Vienna's buildings and side-seeing attractions. Go on until the street name changes from Burgring to **Doktor-Karl-Renner-Ring**. Pass the Parliament which is on your left side. Then turn right into the **Joseph-Meinrad-Platz**. This ist just before the Burg Theatre on the right side and the city hall vis-a-vis on the left side. Don't panic if you miss that exit. The Ring is a circle. make just another round and try again :) On **Joseph-Meinrad-Platz** go straight on for about 70 meters, then immediatly after the gas station turn right into the **Loewelstrasse**. Go on for about 230 meters, and find yourself at the **Ballhausplatz**. Turn right and enter the big **parking place**. Tell the parking attendant that you are visiting the conference. Go on on the parking place as far as possible and find a place to park your car. At the end of the parking place, right handed is the Conference place. Train Here it depends from where you are coming and which will be your destination Train Station in Vienna. Of course the easiest way is to take a cab. Just tell the cab driver **Volksgarten Heldenplatz**. Notice that every Cab Driver **has** to know that location. If he doesn't know it, he is a loser anyway, and it would be wise to choose another one. If you use public transportations as described below, please visit also the "Getting around":transit page here. Wien West - Take the Subway **U3** in direction **Simmering**. - Exit the subway at Station **Volkstheater**. The ride takes about 4 mins. - Exit the Station in direction **Burg Ring/Volksgarten** Wien Sued You have different posibilities here: - First - Go about 7 mins to **Suedtiroler Platz** or take the street car, line **18** in direction **Burggasse Stadthalle** until station **Suedtiroler Platz** - At **Suedtiroler Platz** enter there Subway **U1** in Direction **Kagran** - Exit Subway at Station **Stephansplatz** - There enter Subway **U3** in direction **Ottakring** - Exit the subway at Station **Volkstheater**. The ride takes about 4 mins. - Exit the Station in direction **Burg Ring/Volksgarten** - Second - Enter tram line Line **D** in direction **Beethovengang** - Exit the streetcar at station **Dr. Karl Renner Ring** - Exit the Station in direction **Burg Ring/Volksgarten** - Third - At the train station take the Line **S3** in direction **Hollabrunn Bahnhof** - Exit the Train at station **Wien Mitte** - Take the Subway **U3** in direction **Ottakring**. - Exit the subway at Station **Volkstheater**. The ride takes about 5 mins. - Exit the Station in direction **Burg Ring/Volksgarten** All described posibilities take between 14 and 17 minutes. So there is no real preference. Just use the first transportation you find. Wien Mitte - Take the Subway **U3** in direction **Ottakring**. - Exit the subway at Station **Volkstheater**. The ride takes about 5 mins. - Exit the Station in direction **Burg Ring/Volksgarten** Plane Here you have three choices. Either the **CAT** (City Airport Train), a bus or a Cab. Bus I would suggest not to take the bus, there are a lot of them in front of the airport, and they are pretty slow. If you don't want to take a taxi, choose CAT like described below and you are in 16 mins in the center. Cab Cost about 23 to 25 Euros. Just tell the cab driver **Volksgarten Heldenplatz**. Notice that every Cab Driver **has** to know that location. If he doesn't know it, it would be wise to choose another one. CAT Go to **Wien Mitte** via the CAT. The first train starts at 6:06 am. The frequecy is ecactly 30 mins. So You always have a train 6 or 36 mins after each full hour. Once at Wien Mitte, go on, like described above under Trains, Wien Mitte.