Lightning Talks Schedule
Happening in the Tutorial Area starting 15:30 15:30 **David Sapiro**: free Zope and Plone hosting with Objectis 15:45 **Simon Eisenmann (Niels Mache will be remote)**: video conferencing and online collaboration in icoya / Plone 16:00 **Jonah Bossewitch**: Plone annotations 16:15 **Matt Hamilton**: NTLM HTTP User Folder, integrating transparent windows authentication in Zope and Plone 16:30 **Munwar Shariff**: JAWE (Java workflow editor), Zsiteweaver (tool to create dynamic content types and views), webservices connector for Zope (Python script in Zope to handle SOAP) 16:45 **Chris Barrett**: Checking accessibility by interactively introspecting pages on-the-fly. Documentation BOF will be in the small room in the middle (Snack room) at 15:30 **Alexander Limi, Joel Burton**: Improving and collating available Plone Documentation, demonstration of the Plone Help Center. Stop by and give us feedback and/or join the documentation team!