Seattle Sprint
October 28-29, 2006 -- just after Plone Conference 2006!
Seattle Sprint 2006
Status: venue confirmed, signups are open
See the call for organizers, sign up on the Seattle Sprint 2006 wiki, and join the sprints mailing list for updates and announcements.
Seattle Sprint 2006 will be held on October 28-29, 2006, the weekend immediately after Plone Conference 2006. Our venue will be the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Reseach Center on Lake Union in Seattle. It's about a 15-minute walk from the conference venue, and has world-class meeting facilities. We'll be able to accomodate about 150 people. More details forthcoming as our plans come together.
Seattle Sprint 2006 is being generously sponsored by TriZPUG, the Triangle Zope & Plone Users Group.