Plone Conference 2006: Main Registration Sold Out!

Plone Conference 2006 registration is now sold out! (Sprint and pre-conference class registration is still open). See you in Seattle next week!

With more than 325 attendees registered, we're thrilled to announce that Plone Conference 2006 is now sold out! 

Next week, folks from 35 states and 20 countries will gather in Seattle Center for 3 days of talks, tutorials and workshops, plus two-day pre-conference trainings and a two-day post-conference "code and community" sprint.

To all of you who'll be here in person, we're looking forward to seeing you.  Safe travels! And bring your raincoats! ;-)

Coming to Seattle? Some Events are till Open!

The optional pre- and post-conference events are still open for registration. You don't have to attend the conference to come:

  • The pre-conference classes are still open for registration. You have your choice of 3 high-quality, low-cost classes on Plone.
  • The post-conference sprints are a great way to learn more about Plone development, and make connections in the Plone community.

Not Coming to Seattle?

To those of you who can't make it, we'll hope to see you at the next Plone Symposium or Conference!  But don't worry, you won't be left out in the cold Seattle rain:

  • We will be making professional-quality video recordings of many key tutorial sessions, which will be distributed online a few weeks after the conference.  You can also expect a few video blogs from Christian "Mr. Topf" Scholz.  (There is a slight chance we may have some live video streaming coverage, but no promises just yet.) 
  • Many speakers will be making session materials available online — we'll gather these on the conference agenda page. 
  • We're offering conference participants (and the world at large) a Conference Wiki, where we hope folks will take good notes from the various sessions. 
  • Check for blog entries from many prominent Plonistas aggregated at
  • Look for photos from the conference on Flickr.  We'll be using the tag "plone" (and who knows what else!)
  • And be sure to drop by #plone in IRC, where I'm sure there will be some conference attendees hanging out.  Who knows, there might even be a dedicated #ploneconf backchannel!