Over 45 Plone Conference 2006 Sessions Announced
Plone Conference 2006 will feature over 45 talks, tutorials and panels for Plone integrators, Plone developers and people who are new to Plone. The full list of sessions is now available online.
The full list of Plone Conference 2006 sessions was released today, featuring over 45 talks, tutorials and panel discussions for people who are new to Plone, Plone integrators and Plone developers.
Online registration is at: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/5403 Early Bird pricing ($250 -- a $50 discount) ends this Friday, August 25th!
Some of the many highlights include:
For people who are new to Plone
- Graduating from Spaghetti to Sushi: Plone for PHPers - Sean Kelly
- Why Plone? Confessions of an NGO - Andrew Hatton, Oxfam GB
- Open Sourcing Activism: The Open Planning Project and Plone - Jacqueline Arasi
- Plinkit: A Case Study / Tutorial on Deploying Plone for Public Libraries - Darci Hanning
For Plone integrators
- High Performance Plone: Caching - Joel Burton
- Dive into PAS: An Introduction to Pluggable Authentication - Wichert Akkerman
- PrimaGIS: Web mapping with Plone - Kai Hänninen
- Generic Setup for Fun and Profit - Tres Seaver
For Plone developers
- Developing Plone Products Using Zope 3 Technologies: An Introduction - Rocky Burt
- b-org - Creating content types the Plone 2.5 way - Martin Aspeli
- Membrane and Remember: Advanced Member Management in Plone 2.5 - Rob Miller
- Enabling the Semantic Web and RDF in Plone - Calvin Hendryx-Parker