Call For Proposals Survey

For archival purposes, the original survey used to collect Plone Conference 2006 session proposals

Plone Conference Session Proposal 
  1. Introduction
We're excited that you're excited about leading a session at Plone Conference 2006!

To propose a session, please fill out the following nearly-painless survey.

You may submit multiple proposals. You cannot edit a proposal after you submit it. If you really need to amend a submitted proposal, please resubmit it, and note in the description that it should replace an earlier submission.

Questions? Please email Program Team chair Andrew Burkhalter - andrewb at
   1. Your contact information var a_29238616 = new Array(); a_29238616[0] = "<tr><td valign=center align=right><font color='#333366' face='Verdana' size='2'>First name</font></td><td valign=top>  <input size=30 maxlength=200 type=text name=input_29238616_253593226_1 value=\"\"></td></tr>"; a_29238616[1] = "<tr><td valign=center align=right><font color='#333366' face='Verdana' size='2'>Last name</font></td><td valign=top>  <input size=30 maxlength=200 type=text name=input_29238616_253593227_1 value=\"\"></td></tr>"; a_29238616[2] = "<tr><td valign=center align=right><font color='#333366' face='Verdana' size='2'>Email</font></td><td valign=top>  <input size=30 maxlength=200 type=text name=input_29238616_253593228_1 value=\"\"></td></tr>"; a_29238616[3] = "<tr><td valign=center align=right><font color='#333366' face='Verdana' size='2'>Company/Organization (if applicable)</font></td><td valign=top>  <input size=30 maxlength=200 type=text name=input_29238616_253593229_1 value=\"\"></td></tr>"; a_29238616[4] = "<tr><td valign=center align=right><font color='#333366' face='Verdana' size='2'>City</font></td><td valign=top>  <input size=30 maxlength=200 type=text name=input_29238616_253593230_1 value=\"\"></td></tr>"; a_29238616[5] = "<tr><td valign=center align=right><font color='#333366' face='Verdana' size='2'>State</font></td><td valign=top>  <input size=30 maxlength=200 type=text name=input_29238616_253593231_1 value=\"\"></td></tr>"; a_29238616[6] = "<tr><td valign=center align=right><font color='#333366' face='Verdana' size='2'>Country</font></td><td valign=top>  <input size=30 maxlength=200 type=text name=input_29238616_253593232_1 value=\"\"></td></tr>"; a_29238616[7] = "<tr><td valign=center align=right><font color='#333366' face='Verdana' size='2'>Plone IRC nickname (if you have one)</font></td><td valign=top>  <input size=30 maxlength=200 type=text name=input_29238616_253593233_1 value=\"\"></td></tr>"; a_29238616[8] = "<tr><td valign=center align=right><font color='#333366' face='Verdana' size='2'>Skype Username (if you have one)</font></td><td valign=top>  <input size=30 maxlength=200 type=text name=input_29238616_253593234_1 value=\"\"></td></tr>"; for (var i = 0; i < a_29238616.length; i++) document.write(a_29238616[i]); First nameLast nameEmailCompany/Organization (if applicable)CityStateCountryPlone IRC nickname (if you have one)Skype Username (if you have one)
 2. What is the proposed title of your session? (Make it compelling!)
 3. Session Overview - Please provide a 2-3 paragraph summary of your session. Be sure to describe both the topics you'll cover and the knowledge and skills that attendees will leave with -- we need to use your session descriptions to help market the conference!
 4. Keeping in mind that there will be many more talks & panel slots than tutorials, which of the following formats do you envision for your session? Talk (45 minutes)
Panel (45 minutes)
Tutorial (90 minutes)
Tutorial (3 hours)
   5. If you are proposing a panel session, who do you envision as your panelists? (Name & organization/company)
 6. We will have tracks geared to Plone developers, Plone integrators, and people who are new to Plone.

Given your subject matter and how you intend to present it, which of the following audiences do you feel your session is most suited towards?
Plone developers
Plone integrators
People who are new to Plone
   7. Is your session of specific interest to any of the following sectors (check all that apply)?NGOs/Nonprofits
Scientific Organizations
Large Enterprise
 8. Have you presented this session in the past? YesNo
   9. If yes, provide URLs to any relevant materials:
 10. In the spirit of seeking out excellent talks for Plone Conference 2006, please tell us a bit about your experiences leading sessions at conferences, user group meetings, symposiums, trainings, etc. where you have spoken on Plone or other relevant topics.