Call for proposals

Open means *participation*: Plone Conference 2007 needs your effort to put together the agenda you have always wanted! Don't miss this great opportunity.Read further!!


Call for proposals



To submit you Session Proposal please fill out the form we have prepared for (


Process and deadlines

  • Friday, July 27 - Session proposals due
  • Wednesday, August 8 - Selected sessions announced
  • Monday, September 24 - Session materials due

Evaluation Criteria for Session Proposals

OK, are you ready to propose your session? Great! The Plone Conference 2007 Program Team will consider the following criteria in choosing sessions:

  • Broad relevance to Plone community (end-users, integrators & developers)
  • Demonstrations of production-ready products that solve common problems of Plone customers
  • Case studies that showcase strategies for success with Plone that can be easily reproduced by Plone project managers and Plone integrators
  • Sessions that will teach Plone administrators & integrators at beginner or intermediate level the core skills necessary to succeed with Plone
  • Sessions that will help people make the leap to being effective contributors to Plone (both core & add-on Products)
  • Sessions that will enlighten people towards why they should start using Plone today,in preference to any comparable systems
  • Sessions that will spark people's passion for Plone by making them feel empowered and successful
  • Sessions that address Plone community processes
  • The speaker's track record of delivering well-received sessions at past Plone events
  • Geographic, sector and gender diversity of presenters


Sessions We'd Like to See

The Program Team has great expectations about your proposals! Don't hesitate to send them in. Nonetheless some sessions could be really welcome to the Program Team.

Here are a few suggestions:

  • Good Visual Aids Help Make a Great Session. How to Customize Plone's Page Templates - an introduction to Zope Page Templates
  • Creating Custom Content Types - an introduction to Archetypes, what they can do, and how to create them
  • Creating Powerful Custom Workflows That Map Your Business Processes - an introduction to Plone workflows
  • Connecting Plone to Relational Database Systems
  • Developments of Plone 3 with new tools and infrastructure
  • QA in Plone: how to guarantee your clients about the quality you are selling them while developing great code
  • Plone and Accessibility - why accessibility is important. How not to screw up accessibility  in your site. A demonstration of accessible technology or what it is like for a blind person to use Plone.
  • Basic usability design skills for developers
  • Tips and Tricks for Efficient Plone Development - e.g. practical demos of browser tools, local installations, source control, debugging tools, IDEs, etc.
  • Content Versioning (e.g. CMFEditions)
  • How Plone works (transparently) with ZODB and the concept of Archetypes Storage
  • Multi-user Collaborative Sites
  • How the Plone Community works and how to Plug Into it
  • What Plone is (and is not) good for, using plone 3
  • How to pitch Plone to your boss: in the shoes of the in-house Plone person at a university, government or nonprofit organisation: what are the things you wish you'd learned BEFORE getting in too deep? What are the keys to making the leap from doing simple sites to more ambitious projects?
  • why to use an Open Source CMS, who will support it!
  • Hiring a Plone consultant or company: what to look (and look out) for
  • Deployment Strategies - a panel demo/discussion of Entransit, EnSimpleStaging, CMFDeployment, Cachefu, etc. How do they compare, contrast and complement each other in real-world situations?
  • Case studies from the real world, able to let people trust the power of Plone

Some more advice from past Conferences: please, remember we all want to enjoy Conference time! And it would be really exciting to have as many "interactive" sessions as possible, with enthusiastic leaders!


Session Leader Compensation

All session leaders will receive complimentary conference admission (valued at €300).

Session leaders who organize a panel session will receive an additional payment of €150 in recognition of the additional effort required to recruit and coordinate panel participants. (We suggest you use this money to buy your panelists beer. Panelists will not receive complimentary conference admission).

NB: a panel is aimed to be a bunch of quick talks with different speakers all related to each other on the same subject.

If your session is selected, you will receive all the details and materials you need for your slides (guidelines, graphics, etc).
Tutorial and panel leaders will receive their additional payments ~14 days after the conference ends.


How to submit your Session Proposal

 To submit you Session Proposal please fill out the form we have prepared for.

Enjoy it :)

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