Plone Conference 2009 location: Budapest!

Plone Conference 2009 will be held in Budapest, Hungary on October 26 - November 1

Plone Conference 2009 will be held in Budapest (Hungary) between October 26 - November 1 2009. The schedule of the event will be:

October 26 - 27:                Pre-conference course
October 28, 29, 30:           Conference
October 31 - November 1:  Post-conference sprin

The conference website provides useful information about:

We also provide information about accomodation and discount prices in suggested hotels, in addition we will help on demand for renting apartments, and help organizing youth hostel stays as well.

Original announcement:



Budapest. Image:

The Plone Foundation board of directors is pleased to announce that we've chosen Budapest as the location for Plone Conference 2009!

Plone Conference 2009 will be organized by Greenfinity and Open Society Institute, and will be held October 28-30, 2009.

We received two *outstanding* bids this year, Budapest and Barcelona. It was a very difficult choice.  In the recent advisory vote, Plone Foundation members voted 57%-43% in favor of Budapest, but there was lots of enthusiasm and positive feedback for both proposals.

We'd like to thank both the Budapest and Barcelona conference teams for all the hard work, creative thought and energy they put into their proposals.  These were two of the best conference proposals we've ever seen, and a testament to the vitality, enthusiasm and organizing capacity of the Plone community.


(Image credit:

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