Plone 6 Early Adopters Meeting (recurring)
On the last Friday of every month, Plone users and developers join together to catch up on the latest news and changes on Volto, Plone's new React-based front-end
Plone 6 Early Adopters meeting
The Volto team organizes a public, open to attend a meeting once per month, mainly addressed to people (and companies) interested in adopting Volto for their immediate or current projects. During this meeting, doubts, questions, problems, and issues are put on the table and discussed. The current state of the art is explained and the roadmap is revised too. It's a public space where people can expose the projects they are working on and the problems they had to face and how they addressed it if they find it useful and worth sharing. Also, people share their insights and opensource contributions (e.g plugins) or upcoming PRs, and new feature requests.
The meeting takes place at 11 am CET.
Volto is the new React front end for Plone, communicating with the back end through the RestAPI. React is a powerful and popular JavaScript library for building dynamic user interfaces. Volto is ready to use out-of-the-box, highly customizable, and provides a user experience that allows editors to create and assemble content in an intuitive way.