Membership Application Examples
Applications do not have to be in English, you can write them in your own language !
Application from Martin Peeters - 2023
I am a Plone developer since 2010 and a web developer for more than 20 years. I am currently the CEO and CTO of Affinitic a Belgian Plone Solution company that promote open source solutions to public services and companies in Europe. I have trained more than 10 people that became Plone contributors and bring people from my team to Plone Conferences almost every years.
Plone Conferences Attended
- 2022 - Plone Conference Namur (co-organizer)
- 2021 - Plone Conference Online
- 2020 - Plone Conference Online
- 2019 - Plone Conference Ferrara
- 2018 - Plone Conference Tokyo
- 2017 - Plone Conference Barcelona
- 2016 - Plone Conference Boston
- 2015 - Plone Conference Bucarest
- 2014 - Plone Conference Bristol
- 2012 - Plone Conference Arnhem
- 2011 - Plone Conference San Francisco
- 2010 - Plone Conference Bristol
- 2022-2023 - Member of the Board of Plone Foundation
- 2022-2023 - Member of the Marketing team
- 2022 - Co-organized the Plone Conference Namur
- 2022 - Participated on the new (Plone 6)
- 2010-2015 - Participated in Plone Belgium user groups
- 2010-2023 - Helping iMio with my team building softwares using Plone for local authorities
Plone Sprints Attended
- 2022 - Plone Conference Namur Sprint
- 2017 - Plone Conference Barcelona Sprint
- 2015 - Plone Conference Bucarest Sprint
- 2014 - Plone Open Garden
- 2014 - Plone Conference Bristol Sprint
- 2012 - Plone Conference Arnhem Sprint
- 2011 - Plone Conference San Francisco Sprint
- 2010 - Plone Conference Bristol Sprint
Packages contributions
- eea.facetednavigation
- iMio Products.Urban
- iMio Products.PloneMeeting
- iMio Smartweb packages
- iMio Ideabox packages
- iMio Cpskin packages
- collective.documentgenerator
- collective.ckeditortemplates
- collective.eeafaceted.collectionwidget
- ZopeEditManager
- collective.documentgenerator
- collective.geotransform
- collective.schedulefield
- collective.anysurfer
- dexterity.localroles
- dexterity.localrolesfield
- Products.BeakerSessionDataManager
- collective.z3cform.rolefield
- collective.z3cform.wizard
- and more ...
Application from T.Kim Nguyen - 2012
UW Oshkosh
Since 2004 I have been the principal proponent for Plone at UW Oshkosh, where, through a long running grass roots effort, I successfully led the adoption of Plone as the official campus CMS, currently hosting over 250 web sites and intranets.
I am currently directing the UW Oshkosh campus Intranet project, which will fundamentally change the way faculty, staff, and students locate information, forms, and workflow applications (forms + workflow).
I have spent a significant portion of my time mentoring student interns and full time staff to bring them into the Plone community; one of them in particular (Nathan Van Gheem) has gone on to become an important contributor to core Plone teams.
I was directly involved in the design of the following products originating at UW Oshkosh that have been accepted widely within the Plone community, including: uwosh.pfg.d2c, uwosh.northstar, collective.plonetruegallery, uwosh.timeslot, Products.ImageEditor,
At UW Oshkosh, I have fostered local community via a Plone users' group and a variety of mailing lists.
I have also continued to promote Plone within the university, assisting with the creation and delivery of training materials, and giving presentations to computer science and information systems student clubs as well as to faculty and staff groups in our colleges.
Since 2009 I have been a member of the PloneEdu steering team, and in September 2011 I became co-chair of the initiative. We have promoted collaboration across K-12 and higher education institutions, developing case studies and member profiles that support the further adoption of Plone in educational institutions.
Under the PloneEdu aegis, I continue to create and share tools that help edu organizations evaluate and adopt Plone: the PloneEdu buildout, and now the (proposed) open PloneEdu hosting/evaluation service that will allow any user to create a site using one of a number of Plone site templates: external/brochure site, intranet site, workflow application site (including PloneFormGen, D2C, Workflow Manager), K-12 district site with school subsites.
For 2012 we have embarked on a focused revamp of the PloneEdu web site to serve as a central aggregator for all edu-related Plone resources and materials: training manuals, videos, classes, how-to's/FAQs, news, and events.
I am eager to continue reaching out to edu institutions using Plone, and am interested in using the PloneEdu platform to assist our allies at institutions where they would like to get more traction in adopting Plone throughout their institution, through a combination of sharing software, documents, videos, classes, and configurations, as well as possibly through on-site visits.
University of Wisconsin System
This spring I began to gather support for the creation of a system-wide Plone hosting service. UW System consists of 13 four-year universities, 13 two-year colleges, and the statewide Extension service. By creating and promoting a centralized Plone hosting service, I intend to drive wider and deeper adoption of Plone at all UW campuses, for a variety of purposes (external sites, intranets, workflow applications). I am a participant in this year's UW System IT leadership program, so I will have a wider network of contacts in campus IT organizations to work with.
In the fall I will be presenting to UW System's IT Management Council our work with Plone, our involvement in and contributions to the Plone community, our leadership within the edu space as one of the largest installations of Plone, and our innovative Intranet project. I will announce the availability of our Plone hosting service, showcasing the importance of open source software and community in the world of higher education.
Plone Symposium
For the past five years, Plone Symposium East has been graciously and professionally hosted by the WebLion group at Penn State. For 2013, UW Oshkosh will undertake hosting this event, which has been the primary venue for US educational institutions using Plone.
Application from Erico Andrei - 2010
Maintainer of Plone products:
- sc.apyb.pythonbrasil6, sc.base.audioplayer, sc.base.hotsites, sc.base.memberdataexport, sc.contentrules.groupbydate,, sc.kupu.objectsupport, sc.object.dissect, sc.paster.buildout, sc.paster.package, sc.paster.policy, sc.paster.theme, sc.pfg.brazilianfields,,
- Products.ATGoogleVideo, Products.CMFContentPanels
Translator for Plone Products:
- Plone
- Singing and Dancing
- PloneHRM, PloneBooking, Quills, PloneFormGen
Organizer of Plone events:
- Plone Symposium South America
- World Plone Day São Paulo 2008, 2009 and 2010
Speaker of Plone in the following events:
- PyConBrasil [2],[3]
- PythonBrasil [5]
- FISL 5 and 6
- Latinoware 2008
- World Plone Day
Maintainer and Editor of TcheZope (Brazilian Zope Community) during 2007
Co-founder of Associação Python Brasil