Jens W. Klein

Part of the Community since Plone 1.0, Core-Developer, Sprint-Organizer, been in different roles in the Plone community, current board member.

Who am I?

Image of Jens Klein

I believe in the concept of commons and OpenAccess in general and Free and OpenSource Software in special.

Plone drives my business since version 1.0 (since 2003). As founder of Klein & Partner KG and co-founder of BlueDynamics Alliance we did a lot small, medium and large projects with Plone and its ecosystem.

I served in different roles for Plone, as co-release manager and maintainer of Archetypes, as Framework Team member, organizer of sprints and currently as Security Team member and as Member of the  the Board of Directors.

I am 47 years old, born in Germany and living in Innsbruck, Austria, Europe with my wife Christine and our three boys. I love the nature, community-gardening, cooking and good beer and wine (and good cheese).

If curious, you can find some more professional background at my personal page (parts in German).

Serving for Plone

I served now one term at the board. One of my goals, bringing the sub communities tighter together, worked out fine. The Plone governance process was started. One success of this efforts is the steering circle, bringing all teams, board and interested people together. An official roadmap team is in formation too. Zope, now settled again after the trouble around the Python 3 transition in the last years, brought up a small valuable Zope team supporting Zope.

Since Plone is the community (and then the software), we need to keep this spirit in the next term and continue the governance process. In the following period I propose to focus on communication - inside and outside community -, documentation (!) and both with its challenges regarding a Plone 6 where Volto is Plone 6 (the official new frontend and future path), while classic Plone need to be well supported and developed too for 5 years or more.

I see lots of power and positive energy in the community!


  • Paul Roeland
  • Alexander Loechel