Érico Andrei
Plone Evangelist, co-founder of Pendect GmbH, current board member
Why am I Interested?
I promoted Plone in the Brazilian market for more than 10 years and during that time I gave talks, training classes, wrote code, translated documentation, organized events and delivered Plone solutions ranging from short-lived blogs to very successful news portals. Also, I served as a Foundation Board member for 5 terms - from 2011 to 2014, 2019 and 2020.
Plone is the CMS solution for Pendect, a startup I co-founded in Berlin.
What I can add to the Plone Foundation
- An end user perspective about content management and technology choices.
- 24 years of IT marketing -- and evangelism.
- Experience in developing a local Plone community, where most members spoke only Portuguese.
- Knowledge about cultural aspects of selling Plone on different vertical markets -- from government to media corporations.
- An ability to communicate ideas to different audiences and bring people together to achieve common goals.
Plone life
Over the years I've been very active in the Plone community:
- Maintainer and Editor of TcheZope (Brazilian Zope Community) during 2007
- Plone Speaker at more than 30 tech conferences
- Organized World Plone Day São Paulo (2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012) and Plone Symposium South America (2009, 2011)
- Maintainer / Developer (contentrules.slack, sc.social.bookmarks, sc.social.like, sc.contentrules.*, Products.ATGoogleVideo)
- Translator (Plone, PloneFormGen, PloneBooking)
- Foundation member since 2010
- Co-organized Plone Conference 2013
- Co-chaired the Plone Foundation Membership Committee in 2018, 2019, 2020
- Member of the AI Team, and also member of the Marketing Team
Names of the Plone Foundation who second my nomination
- Paul Roeland
- T. Kim Nguyen