Chrissy Wainwright

Current Plone Foundation Secretary

Who you are

I am a Senior Developer at Six Feet Up, where I have worked with Plone since 2008. I have served as Secretary of the Plone Foundation the last two years. I have given many talks and trainings at Plone Conferences and Symposia in the past, as well as present Plone to my local meetups.

Why you're interested

Serving on the board is a good opportunity for me to give back to the community.

What you think you can add to the Plone Foundation

I pay attention to details, especially in note taking in the board meetings to make sure the notes have accurate information. For making decisions with the board, I work to gather information from all sides to make the best decision for the community. I am committed to seeing the Plone community continue for years to come.


  • Carol Ganz
  • Calvin Hendryx-Parker