Chrissy Wainwright


Who am I?

I am the Senior Template Developer for Six Feet Up, and I have been working with Plone since 2008. Primarily a themer, I have created dozens of themes from scratch using traditional (old-style) methods and now Diazo. Though I didn't start with Plone until version 3 was out, I have had a bit of experience updating sites as old as Plone 2.0, and have played with Plone 5 a bit.

I have provided talks and trainings at various Plone conferences and symposia since 2009. I am an active participant on #plone, and more recently I have joined the UI team and contributing to Mockup in an effort to get Plone 5 ready to be shipped.

Why am I Interested?

I want to help out and gain a better understanding of how the overall processes of the community function. I have been working recently to spend time each week dedicated to helping Plone, and I think this would be a great way to do that.

What I can add to the Plone Foundation Board?

I am good with problem solving; I tend to quietly take in all the information presented in order to help come up with a solution or multiple solution options.

Members that second my nomination:

  • Paul Everitt
  • Steve McMahon